Part 4

However, it was a common thing for Bani Ismail to kill their prophets
So Wahab bin Mamba (R.A), He was born 22 years after the Prophet (PBUH) during the Caliphate of Hazrat Usman (RA), According to authorized information which forty-nine years before the destruction of the temple, Hazrat Aarmiya was given a revelation by Allah Ta’ala that, O Prophet, stand on the rock of Bait al-Maqdis and say to them. You have a heart but they don’t understand, You have eyes but they do not see, They have ears, but they do not hear, You will be attacked by armies that do not even know your language Nor will they recognize your faces, Neither they will have mercy on your tears, Such hard-hearted and cruel kings will come upon you whose armies will be as numerous as the clouds. The howling of wolves will be upon you
You will hear the barking of wolves, And your noble and honorable palace will become the center of beasts, Your fragrances will turn to dust. Your bones will surrender to the heat of the sun
Neither the sky will rain anything on you nor the earth will grow anything. And some thing of its cracks also fell, by the mercy of Allah, it will be only for his animals.

This tradition has also been narrated by Ibn Asaqir (R.A) with the same words. Another traditional one is from Ishaaq bin Bashar and Wahab bin Mamba (r.a) When Allah revealed to Armiyah, So the he got up and wept with sorrow and worry, He put dirt on his head and fell prostrate And started crying and saying
Am I the last prophet of Bani Israel? The children of Israel are being destroyed because of me? Or what people will Allah impose on them?
He was told that the worshipers of fire who do not fear my punishment
And they do not expect reward from me. O Prophet, stand up and show the king the right path
Guide him and then Armiyah also explained to the king, It is also mentioned in the book of Jeremiah (22:28-30) “None of your descendants will sit on the throne of Israel”
After reading this paragraph from Allah’s Wrath, you must have understood why Armiyah (r.a) is called weeping prophet.
However, on Jeremiah’s forbidding in this way, the Jewish scholars became enemies of his life. And they said, “What do you think that Allah will make His land and masjid useless?” And will empty them? Who will worship him?
There will be no worshipers left on land. Rather, on this clear prophecy of Al-Almiyah (a.s) that you will be attacked from the north. The high press of the Jew said to the king that This person is discouraging our soldiers, we should kill him. So Jeremiah was arrested and put in a Aquifers where water store under the ground. And their aim was to starve them but it did not happen and a person rescue him from that place. But then a calamity broke out on Jerusalem which was not even in their imagination.
Before I tell you about the first destruction of Temple Suleiman, I also want to tell you about those whom Allah Ta’ala called His mighty and fighting servants. These people are the last of the four civilizations that arose between two lands. People of Babylon. Babylon’s Bakht Nasr.

Babylon the land between two rivers Built 3900 years ago city Which became the largest city in the world in just 200 years after its creation.

The first city in the world to cross two lac population. The word “Babylon” is derived from “father” meaning “gate of God”.

A king passed in the same city 2600 years before named Bakht Nasr. He is one of the greatest kings in history. He got many titles, Babylon’s King or World’s King.

Mujahid ibn Jabir (r.a) Who was a great commentator and scholar of the 7th century. He said there are four kings who have found wisdom in the east and the west in this world Two of them were Kingdom believers and two were unbelievers
Hazrat Suleiman (a.s) and Hazrat Zulqarnain (a.s) are true believers and rest 2 unbelievers are Namrood and Bakht Nasr.
He was king for 43 years and it is a great strange thing that he started fights and wars in anger over the strangest thing. Babylon was a very powerful city . He was an architect who loved his city very much and was very fond of making things. Behind some of Babul’s construction projects is the name of Bakht Nasr.

For example, that time famous blue color gate, Ishtar Gate was built by Bakht Nasr.

On which the bull was built, the god of Babylon and Lion is the symbol of Goddess Ishtar.

Bakht Nasr also built Hanging Gardens of Babylon, whose wife belonged to a place that was very green
He made this very greenly so his wife does not remember his own house. Trees and plants were planted on the walls around his palace in this way
From a distance, it looked like hanging gardens
There was such a thing that the Hanging Garden was considered one of the 7 wonders of the world
we have received 50 tablets so far about Bakht Nasr. Most of them get to build his desired structures and things. Only one tablet has his war story. Then what happened that the king who made gardens and beautiful things became this bloody king. Babylon, the great power of its time, attacked a small city like Jerusalem
At that time, Armiyah (peace be upon him) was teaching the Israelites in Jerusalem
There was a period of peace in Babylon. During their peaceful period, the people of Babylon used to call Bakht Nasr as paper lion. He who does not fight outside the country
This became so famous that Bakht Nasr felt the pain of rebellion. This was the period when Bakh Nasr showed its power and decided to fight the Firon of Egypt to become the super power of the world so that people remember him as a brave and fighting king. From Babylon, emerged the military power of Bakht Nasr and the military power of the Firon of Egypt at that time came out. Bakht Nasr won that time and started march towards Egypt. Where Jerusalem lay on the way and at that time these fighters broke down in anger on the children of Israel
This military of Bakht Nasr whose eyes were bloodshot, they besieged Jerusalem. Finally, they broke the walls of the city and spread into the city. They entered the houses; the big houses of the city were set on fire. During the excavations, letters from Jerusalem that someone wrote to their commander have come out. In one of these tablet letters, it is written that God protect us. We are seeing all that self-inflicted destruction unfold we were told about. Non-sad letters written on clay pots. On the other hand, some tablets have also been found from Babylon, which is called Babylon chronicles.

But someone has written this article with great pleasure.

“This in the month against the seventh year of the king, our king gathered strength and besieged the city of the Jews on the 9th day of the month of Adhaar, he captured the city. The soldiers from Babylon, first they beheaded the sons of Bani Israel’s King. And blinding 75,000 Jewish prisoners of Jerusalem on the way back to Babylon and take them over there. Still in the British Museum, Chronicle naming tablet is there, this is the document in which the record of Nasr’s palace is written.



To be Continued in Next Topic….

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