History of Jews

Why did Allah insult the Bani Israel?

An Amazing History of Bani Israel

Have you seen this place in Germany? It’s called Wannsee House. 81 years ago, today on 20th January in this house, Hitler had a meeting with fifteen VVIP officers, which lasted only 90 minutes, A proposal was presented in this meeting It was called the “last solution” means the final solution. This proposal was formally written.

And that meant anyone whose name would be associated with a European religion. He and his entire race will be exterminated. Behind this proposal was actually an imitation of Hitler Which he gave two years ago in the German parliament and during this speech, Hitler made a very important point. This was so important that because of this imitation, this speech of Hitler is called a prophecy speech. Hitler’s words were taken so seriously by the officers of Parliament, an officer of the parliament put this speech in Hitler’s words on the walls of Germany. And those were the words of Hitler that,

If powers within and outside of Europe once again managed to wage war, this war will change the politics of the world or not but these Jews will surely be wiped out by the cleansing entity. I have told you that this meeting lasted for 90 minutes and the decision covered was huge, “The Final Solution”

The person leading the meeting, German’s paramilitary agency Schutzstaffel. This agency was such an important post that Hitler himself chose the people for this post. When the commander was asked to write down the meeting notes and when he was asked what was in the meeting notes He said, “Just understand that I had to write the immense hatred in political language.”
However, what happened to the Jews during this period is not hidden from anyone.
But why is the history of the Jews full of hatred?
Although this was a special nation of Allah.
His virtue has been described at least three times in the Qur’an and 2 times only in Surah Baqarah
(Al- Baqarah 2:47, Al-Baqarah 2:122)
That Bani Ismail has been given superiority over all the worlds by Allah
And in (Al-Jasiyah 45:16) “Almighty gives them superiority over all the people of the world.” So why is there so much hatred towards them in history?
It is even mentioned in Bukhari’s hadith about his excellence (Bukhari 3689) “There were some people like that in Bani Israel, they were not prophets, but the angels used to talk with them Rather, the word Israel is also made up of two words
Isra, means that who tries, Ael means who strives for God. What then happened was that hatred for the children of Israel spread throughout the world
Rather, it was not from that period of hatred against the Jews.

Even 100 years before this era, Israel’s Pastor in Damascus and his Muslim servant Ibrahim, they disappeared and the blame was still on the Jews and They have sacrificed the priest and his servant, their blood has been used in their religious rituals.

In 1660 when a great fire broke out in Istanbul, even then, the Jews were held responsible and as a result they had to leave Istanbul.

Rather, Jews in Europe at that time had to wear a special type of yellow badge to be identified and it turns out that such a person is jew.

In Germany, posters of this badge were regularly put up and the wearer of the badge is the enemy of our people.

Two and a half thousand years before, when the king of Iraq, Bakht Nasr, attacked Bait al-Maqdis, So he also took 75,000 Jews with him as slaves to Babylon.

It seems that the Jews have been greatly abused in history

But this was the one side of the story

In Sunan ibn Majah 2871: That the affairs of Bani Ismail were in the hands of the prophets. If one of their prophets died, another prophet would immediately become his successor but the people who killed their prophets the most were the Israelites.
It is said in the 21st verse of Surah Al-Imran (3:21)
O Prophet, give them the news of a painful chastisement for those who killed their prophets
Give them the news of punishment that those who
spoke about justice were unjustly killed.
These punishments came upon Israel because they had become a habit of killing their prophets. The commentary is in Sarat ul-Jinan that One morning the Israelites killed 45 of their prophets at once
How mischievous were these peop;le that according to the hadith they were ordered to
“It was said to the children of Israel, ‘Enter the gate (Bayt-al Maqdis), prostrate (in humility) and say: Hittatun (i.e. repentance) i.e. O Allah! Forgive our sins.’ But they entered by dragging themselves on their buttocks, so they did something different (from what they had been ordered to do) and said, ‘Hittatun,’ but added, “A grain in a hair.” (Sahih Bukhari 4479)
A prophet passed among the Jews whom we know as Hazrat Armiyah (a.s) in Muslims. The Jews called him Hazrat Jeramiyah or the weeping Prophet.
Hazrat Armiyah had a revelation after which no one had seen him laugh.

(Details mentioned of Revelation on Hazrat Armiyah (a.s) in Part 4 of Chapter “The Holy Land”)
You know what the Israelites did in that heartbreaking revelation. Thee started laughing at Hazrat Armiyah (a.s). they started saying that if Allah wiped us out, then who will worship Him?
After saying this, they killed Hazrat Armiyah (a.s) hunger and put in an underground cellar.

At the same time, according to Allah, Bakht Nasr was broken with wrath on them. He took 75 thousand Jews with him as slaves to Babylon
Then also during the time of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
There were some tribes of Jews living inside Madinah. It is a historical fact that those people used to fight among themselves but He (PBUH) developed such an agreement in Madinah. So, peace was established in the entire region, which you and I know as the Covenant of Medina. (Mesaaq-e-Madinah) But a tribe of Jews could not live without transgression, as was customary
It was a rich and land lord type clan. In Madinah, mostly they have jewelry shops. A similar incident happened to a Muslim woman at one of a jewelry shop. What happened was that when the woman reached the shop The Jewish shopkeeper began to force him to do so That she removes the veil from her face and when she refused the shopkeeper stuck the woman’s plow in a nail like this When she gets up from her place, the cloth will come off from one of her legs and That’s what happened
When this woman’s clothes got stuck, the Jews started laughing loudly. A battle ensued and the treaty was broken by the Jews. This tribe had to be expelled from Medina.

A question arises here that a nation with such an ancient history, to whom prophets came again and again, they have gone through so many highs and lows. Sometimes they are described as the best of all worlds and sometimes they were humiliated all over the world, some of them used to talk to the angels Although those people were not prophets. According to Al-An’am (6:20), Allah Almighty says that these are the people to whom I have given the book, they recognize the Prophet as they recognize their sons.
The purpose of telling you this history of the Jews was that A nation that has thousands of prophets, A nation with which thousands of incidents happened
It was their turn to test the prophethood of the last Prophet (SAW) so they asked about Zul-Qarnain. What did those people want to know about Zul-Qarnain?
What thought is going on in their mind?
Zul-Qarnain A person who made three extraordinary journeys.
What interest did the Jews have in the story of Zul-Qarnain?
Thee left behind thousands of events that he had performed or performed with them, why did they ask about Zul-Qarnain?

We will discuss thin in another chapter.
We will start the new chapter on this, which is about 1400 year ago. When Jews asked 3 question to last Prophet (SAW) One of which was a question about Zul-Qarnain.
What is the story of Zulqarnain?
The Jew left everything and asked about Zul-Qarnain.
About Yajooj and Majooj.
To be Continued…

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